PICME Login: Quick Access to Your Profile Online

Welcome to the PICME login portal, your gateway to quick and convenient access to your profile online. PICME, which stands for Pregnancy and Infant Cohort Monitoring and Evaluation, is a system designed to provide pregnant women in Tamil Nadu with comprehensive maternal and child healthcare services. By logging in to your PICME account, you can easily track your applications and avail yourself of state maternal benefits.

The login process is straightforward, ensuring that you can access your PICME account with ease. Whether you are at home or on the go, accessing your profile online has never been more convenient. Keep reading to learn more about the PICME login process, registration procedures, and the numerous benefits that come with being a registered user.

Key Takeaways:

  • The PICME login portal provides pregnant women in Tamil Nadu with quick and convenient access to their profiles online.
  • By logging in, users can track their applications and avail themselves of state maternal benefits.
  • The PICME login process is straightforward, allowing users to access their accounts with ease.
  • Registration is required to access the benefits and features offered by the PICME system.
  • The PICME system plays a crucial role in improving maternal care and reducing mortality rates.

PICME Registration: A Step-by-Step Guide

Accessing the benefits of the PICME system requires pregnant women in Tamil Nadu to complete the straightforward registration process. They can choose to register at government healthcare centers, hospitals, primary health care centers, or online through the PICME website. Let’s take a closer look at the step-by-step guide to PICME registration:

  1. Visit a Registration Venue: Pregnant women can register at one of the following venues:
    • Government healthcare centers
    • Hospitals
    • Primary health care centers
  2. Online Registration Option: Alternatively, they can register online through the PICME website at picme.tn.gov.in.
  3. Obtain a Registration Code: Regardless of the registration venue, pregnant women need to obtain a 12-digit registration code from the local healthcare workers.
  4. Fill Out the Registration Form: Once they have the registration code, they must fill out the necessary information in the registration form.

After the completion of the registration process, pregnant women gain access to the PICME user portal, where they can explore and utilize all the features and services offered by the system.

Now, take a look at the simplified step-by-step flow of the PICME registration process:

Step 1Choose a registration venue
Step 2Obtain a 12-digit registration code
Step 3Fill out the registration form
Step 4Access the PICME user portal

By following these simple steps, pregnant women in Tamil Nadu can easily register for the PICME system and unlock a world of benefits and services through the PICME user portal.

PICME Registration Benefits and Eligibility

The PICME registration offers several benefits to pregnant women in Tamil Nadu. By registering, they ensure their inclusion in the public healthcare system and gain access to a wide range of healthcare services. PICME also plays a vital role in safeguarding the health of both the mother and the child by identifying potential risks and facilitating effective management of pregnant women’s data.

In order to be eligible for PICME registration, the applicant must be a pregnant woman residing in Tamil Nadu. Along with basic personal information, specific documents such as a voter ID, Aadhar card, or marriage certificate are required for verification and authentication.

The benefits of PICME registration are manifold. It allows pregnant women to:

  • Avail maternal healthcare services offered by the Tamil Nadu government
  • Access antenatal and postnatal care, including routine check-ups and screenings
  • Receive necessary vaccinations and medications for a healthy pregnancy
  • Monitor the progress of their pregnancy and receive guidance from healthcare professionals
  • Ensure timely and appropriate interventions in case of any complications
  • Facilitate smooth communication and coordination between healthcare providers

The PICME registration process is designed to prioritize the well-being of pregnant women in Tamil Nadu and provide them with comprehensive healthcare support. By ensuring eligibility requirements are met and documentation is complete, women can benefit from the advantages offered by the PICME system.

picme registration benefits

Throughout the registration process, pregnant women are empowered to take control of their healthcare journey and make informed decisions for the well-being of themselves and their unborn child. The PICME system helps create a seamless connection between pregnant women and healthcare providers, leading to improved maternal health outcomes and reduced maternal and infant mortality rates in Tamil Nadu.

Procedures for PICME Registration and Login

To access the benefits of the PICME system, pregnant women in Tamil Nadu have several options for completing the registration process. They can choose to visit e-Seva centers, call the toll-free number 102, or register directly at government hospitals. Online registration is also available through the official PICME website.

When registering, users will need to provide their personal information and obtain a 12-digit registration code from local healthcare workers. This code is essential for completing the registration process. Once registered, users can access the PICME user portal and make the most of the system’s features.

Logging in to the PICME user portal is a simple process. Users need to visit the official website and enter their username and password. They will also be required to complete a CAPTCHA verification to ensure the security of their accounts.

By following these official procedures, pregnant women can successfully register for PICME and log in to their accounts, gaining access to crucial maternal healthcare benefits and services.

Image: Representative image of a pregnant woman registering for PICME.

Checking PICME Number Status: A Step-by-Step Guide

Pregnant women in Tamil Nadu can conveniently check the status of their PICME numbers through a simple process. By following these steps, they can stay informed about the progress of their pre-registration and ensure they are on track to receive the necessary maternal benefits.

Step 1: Visit the Official PICME Tamil Nadu Website

Begin by accessing the official PICME Tamil Nadu website through the provided link. This website serves as a reliable platform to obtain accurate information about the status of your PICME number.

Step 2: Click on the “Application ID Status” Option

Once on the official website, locate and click on the “Application ID Status” option. This will direct you to the page where you can check the status of your PICME number.

Step 3: Enter Your Registration ID or PICME Number

On the designated page, accurately enter your registration ID or PICME number in the provided field. It is crucial to ensure the correct entry to receive accurate status information.

Step 4: Click “Submit” and Obtain the Status

After entering your registration ID or PICME number, click on the “Submit” button. The system will process your request and display the status of your pre-registration. Take note of any relevant information provided on this page.

Checking PICME Number Status

By following these simple steps, pregnant women in Tamil Nadu can easily check the status of their PICME numbers. It is important to stay updated on the progress of your pre-registration to ensure a smooth journey towards receiving the necessary benefits for maternal care.

Importance of PICME for Maternal Care

The PICME system plays a crucial role in ensuring proper registration and monitoring of pregnant women, contributing to improved maternal care. It serves as a unique identification number for pregnant women and facilitates healthcare tracking and monitoring. With the PICME system, healthcare providers can gain insights into the challenges faced by pregnant women and provide efficient tracking and monitoring, ultimately reducing maternal and infant mortality rates.

The significance of PICME lies in its ability to streamline the registration and monitoring process for pregnant women. By assigning a unique identification number to each individual, the system ensures that women receive personalized and timely care throughout their pregnancy journey.

The PICME system enables healthcare providers to monitor the health status of pregnant women and track their progress. This monitoring and evaluation scheme allows for early identification of potential risks or complications, enabling timely intervention and appropriate care. With access to comprehensive data on pregnant women, healthcare providers can tailor their services and support to meet the specific needs of each patient.

“The PICME system has revolutionized maternal care in Tamil Nadu by enabling healthcare providers to track and monitor pregnant women efficiently. This system ensures that women receive the necessary care and support they need for a healthy pregnancy journey, ultimately reducing maternal and infant mortality rates.” – Dr. Priya Rajesh, Obstetrician

PICME also serves as a valuable tool for research and analysis. The system collects data from registered pregnant women, creating a rich dataset for further analysis and evaluation. This data can be used to identify trends, patterns, and areas where improvements in maternal care are needed. By leveraging this information, policymakers and healthcare professionals can implement targeted interventions to enhance the quality of maternal care services.

In conclusion, the PICME system plays a vital role in improving maternal care outcomes in Tamil Nadu. By providing a unique identification number for pregnant women and facilitating monitoring and evaluation, the system enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services. Through the PICME system, pregnant women receive personalized care, leading to reduced maternal and infant mortality rates and ultimately improving the overall well-being of mothers and their newborns.

Financial Aid and RCH ID

Pregnant women registered under PICME and the Dr. Mathulaxmi Reddy Maternity Benefits scheme in Tamil Nadu are eligible for financial aid of Rs 18,000. The financial aid is provided to support the well-being of picme registered women throughout their pregnancy and post-delivery. The aid is disbursed in multiple installments based on specific milestones:

  1. First installment: Rs 4,000 is provided upon completion of the first antenatal check-up.
  2. Second installment: Rs 4,000 is provided upon completion of the second antenatal check-up.
  3. Third installment: Rs 6,000 is provided upon the completion of the third antenatal check-up.
  4. Fourth installment: Rs 4,000 is provided after delivery and completion of the postnatal check-up.

In addition to financial aid, pregnant women registered under PICME receive a 12-digit Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) ID. The RCH ID is an essential requirement for creating a username and password for their PICME accounts. It helps in the identification and tracking of pregnant women, ensuring they receive appropriate maternal and child healthcare services.

To get a better understanding of the financial aid and RCH ID, refer to the table below:

Financial Aid DisbursementRCH ID
  • First installment: Rs 4,000
  • Second installment: Rs 4,000
  • Third installment: Rs 6,000
  • Fourth installment: Rs 4,000
12-digit unique identification number

Providing financial aid and the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) ID to pregnant women registered under PICME ensures that they receive appropriate support and care during and after their pregnancy. This initiative aims to improve maternal and child health outcomes by facilitating access to necessary healthcare resources.


In conclusion, the PICME login process provides pregnant women in Tamil Nadu with quick and convenient access to their profiles online. Through the registration process, women can easily access state maternal benefits and track their applications. By utilizing the PICME system, pregnant women gain access to comprehensive maternal and child healthcare services, leading to improved health outcomes.

With the PICME login portal, pregnant women in Tamil Nadu can stay informed and connected to their healthcare providers. The system offers a user-friendly interface that allows easy navigation and tracking of applications. By ensuring efficient registration and login procedures, the PICME system contributes to a streamlined process, reducing barriers to accessing essential healthcare services.

Overall, the PICME system plays a vital role in supporting the well-being of pregnant women and their unborn children. It facilitates proper registration, monitoring, and tracking, enabling healthcare providers to deliver timely and effective care. By integrating technology with healthcare services, the PICME system demonstrates the commitment of Tamil Nadu to prioritize maternal and child health.


What is PICME login?

PICME login is the process that allows pregnant women in Tamil Nadu to access their profiles online and track their applications for state maternal benefits.

How do I create a PICME account?

To create a PICME account, you need to complete the registration process either at government healthcare centers, hospitals, and primary health care centers or online through the official PICME website (picme.tn.gov.in).

What benefits does PICME registration offer?

PICME registration ensures that pregnant women are registered with the public health care system, gain access to various health care services, and have their data managed for efficient tracking and monitoring.

How can I complete the PICME registration process?

The PICME registration process can be completed by visiting e-Seva centers, calling the toll-free number 102, registering at government hospitals, or through online registration on the PICME website.

How can I check the status of my PICME number?

You can check the status of your PICME number by visiting the official PICME Tamil Nadu website, clicking on the “Application ID Status” option, and entering your registration ID or PICME number.

Why is PICME important for maternal care?

PICME plays a crucial role in ensuring proper registration and monitoring of pregnant women, contributing to improved maternal care. It facilitates healthcare tracking and monitoring, ultimately reducing maternal and infant mortality rates.

What financial aid and ID does PICME provide?

Pregnant women registered under PICME and the Dr. Mathulaxmi Reddy Maternity Benefits scheme in Tamil Nadu are eligible for financial aid of Rs 18,000. They also receive a 12-digit Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) ID, which is essential for creating a username and password for their PICME accounts.

Is PICME login necessary to access maternal and child healthcare services?

Yes, PICME login is necessary for pregnant women to access comprehensive maternal and child healthcare services offered through the PICME system.

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